Hero Pet Removal
Hey I'm sure I've seen a post on here about this before but i couldn't find it again. I think you should be able to give your Hero's pets to the tamer like you can your own. Now how this maybe to be a pointless feature it could also be quite good. I mean how many of you brought Nightfall and rushed outside and got flamingos for your Hero's as pets just so they'd have one? Or how many of you have say a pet wolf or a bear but quickly rushed out to get a pet and now think that it would have been a better idea to have an entire pack of wolves or bears sprinting around with your character? I am too victim of this silly mistake id love to go back and have a pack of wolves but its just not possible at the moment... i mean you can get new armor for your heroes and change that back and forth at will, and weapons, skills runes etc. so why should we not be able to do this with pets too at the tamer? All i ask is for an extra button on the pet tamer that says heroes or even just go out with the one hero and his/her pet and change them individually.
can someone please share their thoughts on this?
Have fun, good luck and Happy hunting
Tylos Angelheart